
How To Make Mason Jar Candles

Exercise you have actress mason jars hiding in the back of your chiffonier? An easy manner to repurpose those jars is to make them into cute personalized candles. Whether you go the traditional road with a soy wax candle or get fancy with gel wax, the process is simple and the result is stunning.

We've created a stride-by-stride mason jar candles tutorial then that you can follow forth and make your own candles. When y'all feel confident with the basics, try calculation some unique touches like shells or glitter. For a personal bear upon, endeavor pairing your candle with other mason jar decor created with custom mason jars.

Creating mason jar candles is a unique way to personalize your home decor. Nosotros walk y'all through a 10-step mason jar candle tutorial with tips that will brand the procedure even easier.

candle making supplies on marble table

Supplies You'll Need

  • Mason jar
  • 1 pound soy wax flakes
  • Burner
  • Candle pouring pot
  • Wooden spoon
  • 1 wick
  • Wick holder
  • 1 inch square of wax dye
  • ii to 3 drops of essential oil
  • Pair of scissors

How To Make Mason Jar Candles

Step 1: Measure out Wax

Before you begin, protect your workspace past putting down newspaper or paper towels. This will make the cleanup process easier and prevent unwanted drips of wax on your counter space.

You lot will then measure out the soy wax flakes. Make full your mason jar twice and cascade the contents into your candle pouring pot. If you determine to use a different candle container, yous can notwithstanding apply the same dominion of filling it twice with wax flakes.

There are a variety of waxes that can be used when making candles. If you lot want a natural candle with no dye, beeswax volition work. For a solid color candle with olfactory property, utilise soy wax flakes. If y'all're looking to fill your candle with accessories such as flowers or shells, the gel wax is the simply one that will be transparent enough.

Wax being poured into a melting pot

Pace 2: Cook Wax

Place the candle pouring pot over low heat. Stir the flakes until they turn completely liquid. This should take about x-15 minutes. It'due south important to make sure that the wax does not come up to a boil.

wax flakes melting in pot
Step iii: Add Dye

The natural state of the wax will be an off-white color. There are a two main dyes that you tin apply to color your candle: wax and liquid. These tin both be purchased at your local craft store. Some other option is to use old crayons from your craft chiffonier.

When using these dyes, a little goes a very long fashion. Add a few drops or shavings to produce a vibrant color. Some other matter to go along in listen is that even though the liquid may look dark, the wax will dry out significantly lighter.

Pink dye melting in a pot

Step 4: Add Odour

Similar to the dye, a little goes a long way when it comes to smell. Choose your favorite essential oil and add two or three drops.

Drops of essential oil

Stride 5: Place the Wick

One time everything is melted, remove the pouring pot from the oestrus and let information technology cool for five minutes. While this is happening, place a glue dot on the bottom of the wick and center it in the middle of the mason jar.

Wick is placed in center of jar

Footstep 6: Pour Wax

Slowly cascade the liquid wax into the stonemason jar, while gently holding the wick in place. Be conscientious not to pull up on the wick or it will come undone. Fill the mason jar until the wax is most one inch beneath the brim.

pour wax into the mason jar

Pace seven: Secure the Wick

To make certain the wick stays centered in the drying process, secure it with a wick holder. If you lot do not want to purchase a wick holder, this step can as well exist done by securing the wick betwixt two chopsticks or pencils.

securing the wick in wick holder

Footstep eight: Let Cool

Let your candle cool at room temperature. It will have about 4 hours for your candle to completely solidify. If the superlative of the candle becomes cracked or has a sinkhole, reheat the wax and pour a sparse layer over the top to make full in any imperfections.

pink candle drying

Footstep ix: Trim the Wick

Your wick is nearly likely very long. Shorten it to a length that'southward safe to burn. This is normally less than one-half an inch. If the flame is however also big, cut it down over again.

pair of scissors trimming a wick

Step 10: Enjoy!

Display your masterpiece in your abode. Place your candle on a shelf or coffee table where information technology volition complement your wall art. These mason jar candles also make smashing personalized gifts for whatever occasion. But personalize it past adding a colour or scent that'south unique to the recipient.

candle sits on shelf

Artistic Candle Concepts

Once yous've mastered the fine art of the basic soy candle, get artistic past trying another styles and wax types. We've created three unique mason jar candles that can be wrapped and given as personalized gifts or fabricated a role of your dwelling house decor.


candle with glitter in it
The simple add-on of a shimmer can make all the departure in a candle. Add together glitter of your choice to the liquid wax in one case it'south been poured into the stonemason jar. Sprinkle with glitter until the meridian has a thin layer of sparkles. Use a fine glitter that isn't as heavy to forestall it from all falling to the bottom.

Natural Look

candle with rose petals and leaves
To reach a more than natural look, try combining rose petals and greenery in gel wax. Cook the gel wax over low oestrus, avoid bringing to a eddy. Center the wick in the mason jar and add the petals and leaves. Cascade in the gel wax and allow cool.

Prevent everything from falling to the bottom of the jar past pouring the gel wax in layers and letting it cool. So, add more natural elements and wax until the jar is full.

Beachy Vibes

candle with shells in it
This candle utilizes both the soy way and the gel wax. Commencement by melting the gel wax every bit instructed. Middle the wick in the jar and then add shells. Cascade a layer of gel wax until the shells are completely covered. Permit dry for four hours, so complete the wait by adding another layer of colored soy manner on summit.

Resources Related to Bricklayer Jar Candles

Making candles is a fun way to personalize your unique habitation decor. The candles that you've designed will complement whatsoever room layout. Even meliorate, share your masterpieces with others by giving them every bit gifts to your friends and family. And if you lot're looking for more inspiration, make sure to bank check out our DIY candle holder ideas or create a customized candle with your favorite photo.


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